Wednesday, October 7, 2015

just life

Lately I've been extraordinarily busy but, of course, in the midst of it all I would rather write than read about stinkin' accounting. Pshh.

Have you ever thought about your life and wondered if you're doing it right? Not that there's a wrong way by any means, but right in the fashion that you are doing what's right for you. I'm having the worst time contemplating my entire life and wondering how I've gotten to this point.

I've always loved writing. I write songs, music, stories, blogging of course...I just genuinely am passionate about writing. I also am a freak for fashion. Currently I'm studying Public Health and I have been wondering what has brought me to this. Why am I doing this? I also love this, but is this right for me?

These questions kill me. I have an early-twenties-midlife-crisis going on and I hate it. Take it from a delusional 20 year young gal--you can BE many things in life, you can live many places in life, and you can be in love more than once. Take time to do things you love and LIVE, don't merely survive. Life is too short (women live longer though, sorry guys) to be unhappy. What I'm saying is to not freak out in the moment when you wonder if you're doing it "right". If you go to college for one thing and end up doing something else that's alright. Be crazy but take care of yourself and the people around you.

I'm feeling better now that I have expressed that. What are your passions in life?

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