Wednesday, April 9, 2014

having a craving for cooking

I am in the mood for cooking. I am missing a kitchen so badly...what a girl-like thing to say, isn't it? I am really into baking and making desserts. I LOVE it! And I like experimenting on other people, because who wants to just cook for themselves, right?

Since I am allergic to wheat I want to get more into gluten free. I know that most people don't even like to try gluten free because they've had such bad experiences with it. I want to make a difference with that, though, I want to help people be more open to trying good food--especially for people who have food allergies like me. Just the thought of going completely gluten free with my diet freaks me out. I want to be brought into the gluten free community--I want to be sold. I want to believe that I can switch over and be happy about it. I want to love what I eat, and I think that the best way to do that is to start getting all kinds of recipes and experimenting. I want to cook for myself.
This is what sounds good to me right now:
Black Bean & Corn Salad
I LOVE FOOD. Everyone should love what they eat. I don't believe that food allergies or whatever else that keeps people from eating what they like should hold them back. Everyone should love what they eat. I want to contribute to that.

Take A Walk - Passion Pit

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